The Bright Side

I decided to create another blog. The reason is because I worry that I do not say thank you enough. So I'll use this blog to say thank you, and hopefully it will help me focus more on the good stuff instead of the bad. If you are reading this and have a comment; post it, or if you are reading this and find something you are thankful for; post it! No matter how big or small; silly or serious; and even if it doesn't make sense...

Sunday, April 4, 2010


So I am not posting this on Easter, but rather really early in the AM on the next day! Easter was a pretty busy day as we were cooking dinner here for my brother and father. All went well, although a few times I was told to relax and stop fretting over every little detail!

So I am happy for: (In no particular order)
*Warm Weather

*Kate and her wit

*Frank and his ability to cook such great food!

*My Family (my brother, mother, father, grandmother) we sat around today and talked about when my father was a was nice!

*Wasp killer

*Wasp traps

*Ginger ale (my new favorite drink)

*Yellow flowers (my favorite but I think all flowers are awesome gifts)

*The Simms household (Chris, Damon, Katherine, Alexander and Devin) They were over Saturday and took over the whole day! We all had a blast!


*Fluffy white clouds

*Chocolate cake

*Old Photo's