The Bright Side

I decided to create another blog. The reason is because I worry that I do not say thank you enough. So I'll use this blog to say thank you, and hopefully it will help me focus more on the good stuff instead of the bad. If you are reading this and have a comment; post it, or if you are reading this and find something you are thankful for; post it! No matter how big or small; silly or serious; and even if it doesn't make sense...

Monday, August 20, 2012

Everyday Thankful

I started a page on facebook to help me remember to be thankful. It has been therapeutic these past few weeks as my pain levels have increased. I find that if I stay thankful it helps me to stay grounded. So what daily little things are you thankful for? I am thankful for the everyday things: Waking up with my husband. Talking to family on the phone. Watching Burn Notice with my husband and daughter. Petting my dogs. A working refrigerator. A front yard that birds like to visit. A heating pad and hot tea. A daughter that is thoughtful and funny. Dessert Good friends People who will listen, even when I am whining. Hot water My parakeets chirping every morning. Angel reruns Salt The internet Nature Shapes in the clouds. Sunlight on my face. Grass between my toes. Rain storms Sales at the grocery store Chocolate milk My inlaws, for all of their help and support. The lessons my mom and dad taught me.