The Bright Side

I decided to create another blog. The reason is because I worry that I do not say thank you enough. So I'll use this blog to say thank you, and hopefully it will help me focus more on the good stuff instead of the bad. If you are reading this and have a comment; post it, or if you are reading this and find something you are thankful for; post it! No matter how big or small; silly or serious; and even if it doesn't make sense...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

January 28, 2010

This is my first post! Like I mentioned at the top of this page this blog will be a gratitude journal for me and hopefully others who read and want to post something they are thankful for. I had this idea the other night, and thought it could really be helpful for me. Sometimes we all have a hard time thinking of "The bright side"...

Today I am thankful for:

*Kate- My beautiful daughter. Her smile and laugh and wit; remind me constantly that this world is full of things to be thankful for.

*Frank- My awesome husband. His strength in times when I am sick, always gives me hope.

*Little Fox and Snoop- My dogs. They are just awesome.

*My support system- This includes my family and friends; on line and in person where ever they are. From kindergarten until today, they have helped to shape me...and kept me laughing!

1 comment:

  1. I am thankful for all my awesome friends. I am thankful for my family. I am thankful that my grandmother is doing okay after her fall.
