The Bright Side

I decided to create another blog. The reason is because I worry that I do not say thank you enough. So I'll use this blog to say thank you, and hopefully it will help me focus more on the good stuff instead of the bad. If you are reading this and have a comment; post it, or if you are reading this and find something you are thankful for; post it! No matter how big or small; silly or serious; and even if it doesn't make sense...

Wednesday, July 3, 2013

July 3, 2013

It has been a while, I have tried (and for the most part succeeded) in finding one thing or more everyday that I am thankful for. It has been tough because I feel myself slipping into a depression. That happens to me a lot, something my counselor told me was common for people with chronic illness. I'm reminded of my limitations everyday, some days it's difficult to shake off. The last few weeks have been busy, which is probably why I am not feeling well today. I over did it.

So today I am relaxing and doing nothing other than playing games on face book and chatting with friends. I hope to take a nap. Tomorrow is the 4th of July, which brings many things to mind. I get so angry at our politicians here in America, but I am thankful I was born here.

I am also thankful for:

Kate - my daughter
Frank - my husband
Mom and Dad
Pete - my brother
My in-laws
Jessica - my best friend
A working car
My doctors (all of them)
My dogs - Little Fox, Snoop and Mack
Air Conditioning
My house
Scott and Mary
Cable television
My roommate Bill
Birds - many visit me during the mornings and afternoon. I love listening to the sing!
Clean water

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